lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Being Shot Down

What is the meaning of Harrison and the ballerina being shot down by Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General? What are the suggestions of her name?

18 comentarios:

M.e.n.a :D dijo...

It´s like being different is bad or should be punished. Harrison broke their rules and the way he´s punished is not fair, at least not now. Handicapper fits her very well. She doesn´t want any competition and she has the power to eliminate it, so why not?

Erika dijo...

it mean that there cannot be a difference in the world. it has to be the same, because if not then they would have to suffer the consequences.

Erin Hogshead dijo...

What is the meaning of her name. Focus on that. Think Greek and Roman mythlogy.

Ryan dijo...

diversity is the key to the survival of a species. if you look at flowers for example...

the plants that reproduce asexually have many advantages over the ones that reproduce sexually. for example, the process is quicker; it only involves one parent; it can occur at any stage of development; by means of roots, branches or leaves; it's a simple and short process; it can occur at any time of the year; and it only needs the organ of a plant wether it be a root, stem, or leaf.

all of these eventually lead to cloning.

the difference is that even though sexual reproduction is described by exactly the opposite of all of the above, it introduces diversity instead of all individuals being the same.

you might be thinking now that was boring and tedious but my point is, by making all individuals the same mentally and physically by weights and ear buzzers, eventually the genes of the young will eventually all match up.

without diversity, a species cannot survive because if a disease hits the colony for example, there will be none that resist and survive. if there was diversity in the colony, maybe some individuals will survive and the colony lives on.

life cannot be like what was described in the story. science dosn't allow it. they just don't work together...

Sergio dijo...

I kind of agree with what ryan said. Being shot down has its double edge meaning. Like Jimena said, it could be that being different is bad and is against the law. It should be punished, according to the law.

But ryan said survival of the species. That could also be because the species General Diana Moon Glampers has created is all equal. She expects no change and wants the species to continue thriving. Harrison Bergerson and the ballerina showed a threat to this species. They were different and better. For one species to thrive, another must be eliminated. That is the order of nature. And that is how it could be seen here.

Diana Moon Glampers is an allusion to Roman and Greek goddess Diana. She was the goddess of moon, (Haha, it comes out in the name) and was also the goddess of hunt. Her role in the story was to hunt everyone that was different and make them equal to everyone else or eliminate them. That is what her name alludes to.


Unknown dijo...

The meaning of Harrison and the ballerina being shot down is because Diana Moon Glampers is the only one that can be different and better than anyone else. It is a punishment for disobeying the “god.” The Handicapper disables everyone because she is afraid that someone could be better than her and be more powerful.

MaRy M. dijo...

Diana Moon Glampers is the figure of authority in this society and in Greek Mythology Diana is the goddess of hunt. This relates because they are both women in power and are strong figures.
In the end of the story Diana comes in with a shot gun and kills Harrison and the dancer. This tells us that basically what she does is kill the people that are different (as sergio said). She tries to remain everything and everyone exactly the same.

Anónimo dijo...

The point here is that if you don't do as Diana Moon Glampers says, you will suffer the consequence of "death."

The author in da story is basically trying to compare Diana Moon Glampers to the Greek Goddess, because she seems to be the only one that is aloud to do as ShE wants, cause she wants to be the only one that can do as she likes and have a goverment of dictation over the whole world.

I agree with Ahra, cause she does kinda scared of someone being supperior as her, because she basically thinks that she is God, and she can do wut ever she feels like with "her empire,her kingdom, her world, Her uNiVeRSe"

hadar dijo...

The meaning is that in an equal society is impossible to disobey to and to rebel. It also means that "the leaders" in this society are very strict and somewhat "truthful"
The name, the Handicapper General,means that Diana Moon Glampers is a general who "handicaps" or paralyzes eveybody's special abilities to keep everyone equal.

armando 2 dijo...

I see Ryan's logic but there is a problem with his justification.
Asexual species are known to have survived and some are more successful than sexual reproductive species. There are simple life forms that reproduce asexually, and have outlasted other sexual ones for a long time. Also, is not that science does not allow it, its nature that doesn't allow it.

However, diversity is needed.

David dijo...

Diana moon Glampers is the Greek goddess of the hunt. Thus, she is the one who "hunts" the ones who do not follow the law and are being unequal.

Anónimo dijo...

Diana (Artemis), in Greek and Roman mythology is the twin sister of Apollo. She is the goddess of hunting, which makes perfect sense in this allusion because Diana (in the story) shoots down the ballerina.

Kevin dijo...

The meaning of Harrison and the ballerina getting shot is that the Handicapper has complete hold over her subjects. The irony of Diana Moon Glampers (Artemis the Hunter) is that she is the godess of the moon and of the hunt while her brother Apollo is the god of the son and the worlds most skillful archer. This is ironic because Artemis being the godess of the hunt will hunt down those people who do not obey and she has a conflict with men in general and thus is a virgin.

Won Park dijo...

The meaning of Harrison and the ballerina being shot down by Diana Moon Glampers means that the good ones should be killed in order to have equality around the world. In Greek mythology, she's a gooddess of the hunts and also of the moon. This goddess relates to the story because the goddess kills people and perhaps it could be to have equality as in the story.

Sachi Ohara dijo...

Harrison and the ballerina being shot down by Diana Moon Glampers represent that Diana Moon Glampers, which also sympolizes the Godess of hunting, will not allow any one to become something different from the others. From her name it is known that she is a hunter which is very powerful and will not let any of her victems escape.

Pichi dijo...

In this society we can see that Diana Moon Glampers is the authority, in greek mythology she is the godess of hunt. It represents the idea of shooting down those that challenge the purposes of the society.

Susset dijo...

The reason the Emperor and Empress got shot down was because they were showing love they were different and supirior to everyone because the can show love and affection. The names have are important because Diana, the goddess of the hunt and she was hunted because she did not follow the rules like the Emperor.

Juan Pablo Gnata dijo...

Ryan said,
you might be thinking now that was boring and tedious but my point is, by making all individuals the same mentally and physically by weights and ear buzzers, eventually the genes of the young will eventually all match up. When Harrison and the ballerina wer shot, they would not be able to pass on their superhuman genes. However, differences in the phenotype still occur for those individuals not being hunted, such as the musicians. The musicians had an innate ability to make music, as seen when they were freed of their handicaps. However, the "musical gene" is still passed on. So, if the General was eliminated, and society returned to normal, those musicians would flourish. This states that, if individuals with advantages do not rebel, diversity will still exist.

Answering the other question:
Diana Moon Glampers’s name refers to the Greek goddess Diana, the goddess of the hunt. She obviously has no hesitation to shoot down the superhumans. The only handicap that could stop them from standing out was death.