lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008


Why does Hazel Bergeron forget what she is crying about?

21 comentarios:

Hanggi Lee dijo...

I thought that this was an odd event because how can a average woman suddenly forget about what she was doing? It wasn't like she had the handicap like her husband. It was kind of odd. For example, in the real world right now an average person can not suddenly forget what one was doing. I won't watch something in tv and just forget it, it just doesn't make sense.

Ryan dijo...

Believe it or not... it does happen.

especially with old people and those who have the gene, sometimes they stand up to do something and then suddenly forget what they were going to do.

Some people also have short term memory loss. Even normal people get a concussion which leads to memory loss with certain people that are sensitive to those sorts of things.

Unknown dijo...

Hazel forgets why she is crying because she has memory loss. She was not handicapped because she was born like that. She had some problems on remembering what is happening around her.

MaRy M. dijo...

I agree with ahra. Hazel Bergeron forgets what she is doing often because she was born with short term memory loss. But, I think it could also be that the people in the Government are doing something to make her forget about what her son did, because if they want to keep a perfect society they would have to leave no hints of people trying to rebel so that others could try to .

hani dijo...

If it were a "perfect" society she wouldn't be crying and then suddenly forgetting.

Anónimo dijo...

She forgets cause she has lack of memory, but it was pretty weird cause is like if she was forgeting every second of her life, on what she's doing. It is normal for some people to forget what they were doing, or like you need to go and get something to this place, and when you get there you don't remember what you wanted to do. It even happens to me sometimes :P example: i am watching a tv program, then they put on the commercials and unconsiosly i forget what i was watching. The thing is that Hazel has serios memory problems, because it's not normal to forget every time like Dory from "Finding Nemo" does :P

hadar dijo...

Hazel Bergerpm forgot what she was crying about because her brain was not capable to process and remember what and why she was crying about.She also has short memory lose which disables her to remember.
I also think that because everyone is equal, she does not even challenges or exercises her mind to improve her memory.

N. Tre. dijo...

She was too thick. Her inability to process information at an appropriate speed made her lose what she had gathered from watching T.V.
This sounds ridiculous but it's true. When they said that she was of, "average intelligence", they're just using fancy words to say, "she is stupid".
Believe it or not, but 'mediocre' senior citizens were not given handicaps because they weren't smart enough to think outside of the political box.

Sergio dijo...

I agree with Ahra in the sense that she has short term memory loss but it could also be, like Nathan said, she has the "inability to process information at an appropriate speed". She being average, would not know of this. She would also not know that this could possibly be a way of controlling the people. With these outbursts of thoughts instead of a continuous cycle, people wouldn't be able to remember what had recently happened. Like Hazel, no one would be able to rebel against them because they aren't processing the information to the memory quick enough unless they would have a handicap, like Harrison Bergerson, who took it off and went his own way.

faaBy dijo...

I agree with all of you because Hazel did have short term memory loss. However, as Nathan said, her brain might not be capable of processing information and that's why she forgets everything.

Heejae dijo...

That happens to everyone even teenagers. It mostly happens to old people because the become old and they have trouble or something that they forget everything. Sometimes to adults they don't know where they put the keys for example. So I think is natural that she forgot why she was crying.

jesi hayes dijo...

I agree with hanggi thouogh because it really doesn't seem tomake sense to me to make people so dumb. Of course its good that they can't really think straight or remember things because that would make it impossible to plan or really feel anything or have an opinion about anything. It makes it easier to control the people. Like most people already said she must have short term memory loss or she simply doesn't care enough. That is why she forgetts what she was crying about.

hani dijo...

I agree with jesica and hanggi. In an euqal society, they shouldn't make people dumber than they are and they can't make other people smarter than they are because that would require special atenttion or specail care, wich can't happen in an equal society.

Hanggi Lee dijo...

I do not agree with Ryan it does happen. People don't have sudden memory losses. Unless they have memory problems something the author didn't mention. And if they were old why would they even have a 14 year old son?

David dijo...

Hazel surfers of memory loss,therefore she forgot about what she was crying about.

Anónimo dijo...

She forgets what she is talking about because she is simply stupid. Stupidity is her handicap (the reason why the government did not give her one).

Kevin dijo...

I agree with Nathan that saying she is of average intelligence is just means she is stupid. If they want to create an 'equal society' then they can at least make their average higher. She cries because she saw what happened to her son but she can't remember because she is just of 'average intelligence.' It might have been an odd event but its just something that people will get used to as they accept being 'equal' and 'fair.'

Won Park dijo...

Hazel Bergeron forgets what she is crying about because as the author had said that Hazel had an "average intelligence" which meant that she was stupid/dumb as N. Tre. and Mary had said. Probably, because she was stupid, the government didn't give her a handicap. He only gives handicaps to the people that are better and wants them to be the same as the others. It can be that she doesn't necesarily mean that she's stupid, it can be that she can also be having mental problems or something that she forgot what she was crying about. There's a reason that the goverment gave her a handicap, but it doesn't say exactly why.

Sachi Ohara dijo...

Hazel Bergeron forgets what she was crying about because in a perfect society, there can not be a person who is sad than others are. She probably had gotten used to it since in the story she has not being arrested by the government.

Susset dijo...

She is crying because she saw "something real sad on television." That the Emperor and Empress were shot and in love, they were dead before they hit the ground.

Juan Pablo Gnata dijo...

An unplanned event happened during the transmission on TV. Diana Moon Glampers did not expect Harrison to escape jail, and had to shoot his girlfriend and him. So, when the people controlling the TV realized what had happened, they made the television tubes burn out. Through the television a signal could have made everyone watching it forget what they had just seen, much like the flash of the Men In Black.