martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Is this our future?

Is the Society in "Harrison Bergeron" a possibilty to what we will become? Why or why not?

40 comentarios:

faaBy dijo...

This will never be our future. First of all, no one would actually want to accomplish equality everywhere in the world. The people who want this, do not have enough support by the rest of the world and even if they did, killing everyone and starting our human race all over again is a crazy idea. Sacrificing so many people is not worth it if or future will be like the story "Harrison Bergeron".

jesi hayes dijo...
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jesi hayes dijo...

NO that is NOT our future! The United States Handicapper General would only be considered to some people as a good solution to making people equal. But is that trully equal? Some people being burdened with the need to wear extra weight as to not be too athletic or strong? Having to tolerate horrible sound in you ears so brilliant people can't think straight? Using horrible masks just because you are extraordinarily beautiful? NO people will not give up their special qualities just like that. Just because there are some people that might have more trouble with life does not mean that others have to let themselves be pushed down. That is not fair and wasn't this future society of 2081 supposed to be fair? This is not our future. I don't think there are enough people willing to opaque those gifts or special qualities they have.

M.e.n.a :D dijo...

No, the human race needs competition to move on, change. If there is competition, we´ll always want to do our best. We can evolution that way, looking forward and not sideways. Plus, people would never agree to wear the stuff that they wear on the book.

faaBy dijo...

People would not agree to wear what is mentioned in the book, but yet again, what if they didn't have any choice?
In the story, George mentions the fact that there are serious consequences if the rules are not followed.

Erika dijo...

no, no one can accomplish equality, no matter how much we try there will never be equality.! it would be really bad if equality can be accomplish because then the world would become a sad world. !

N. Tre. dijo...

Never ever EVER!?
Look, the reality is that this would only come of divisive exchange reached a standstill. You can't punish someone for having a gift. If you want to advance as a civilization you don't make people, with all due respect, less than what they can achieve. Alright, if you wanted Utopia in which every last person was respected, you wouldn't be allowed to classify them by the color of their skin, the size of their nose, the kind of head wear they have, where they're from, what language they speak etc.

Why, then, are we so against this type of Civilization? It's because the people who propose said society can (pardon my French) f**k the system and make it "equal" by putting weights, buzzers, masks and other handicaps on people. HANDICAPPING people is supposed to make them the same? No. The rejection a a proposal of this future comes because many of the people who disagree will make bad excuses so that they can keep on consenting power.

And since when has the U.S. had a handicapper general? Is that code-speak for Ronald Rumsfeld or something?


Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of action without thought.
~Bernard Baruch

Heejae dijo...

I agree with Fabi that this will never be in our future. This can't be in our future because people have different talent and people can't eliminate that and that will make people really bad and it will make them dumb. To be equal from each other will be imposible.

Erin Hogshead dijo...

If people would not agree to such things then why was that little boy in New Haven banned from his baseball league? Why did Hilter have so many supporters? Why was Geroge Bush elected twice? Why were goo goo boats so popular?

Ryan dijo...

I would say that these people were easy targets. in other words people tend to pick on singled out people because it is easier. the boy was banned from his league because he was too good. if there were more people at his level then it would have been harder to bann them because if there were more, then their cause would be stronger. since he was only one person and everyone else was jealous, it made it easy for an entire league to pick on one rather than many.

Hanggi Lee dijo...

NO this will not be our future. It seems like if it were jail or some kind of punishment over our community. We are equal in a way we are equal, because we are better in some places rather than others. For example, I could be better in music than someone else and that someone could be better than me in a different way. It is okay to be different, I would not liek to be the same as everyone else.

Unknown dijo...

It could be possible. There might be people around the world thinking of how the future would be saved from wars and bad events, made by humans, from occurring. This would be a society that would be peaceful because no one is better than others. Everyone would be happy for being equal than not being talented.

Hanggi Lee dijo...

One thing that I liked about the story was the idea of giving jobs to those who have disabilities. Even though perhaps it could be dangers to a point. For example, if he/she want to be a docter it would be really hard to accomplish that because it could be dangerous. I like the idea but there should be a limit.

Won Park dijo...

This can't be the future. Why should people be sacrificed or be stopped from what they are best at? Everyone has a different talent. Also, the people that do things really good, they should be let free to do what they want. But the people that can't find a job or need help, they should be helped more instead of stopping the other people from doing better. If the people that do good at a thing and help the people that are suffering, everyone will feel better instead of making feel better a certain group of people. For example, if the people that can't find jobs are helped, probably there would be less stealing and less violence in such countries as Guatemala. They can't find a job, so in order to survive they steal. Also, if the people that have a talent are stopped from what they do, they'll get mad because it's unfair. So in order to have peace, probably only the people that need help should be helped first.

Won Park dijo...
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Ryan dijo...

Honestly, all this "civilization" business is all ruining the life cycle and it is because of this the planet is overpopulated. I think there should only be about 500 million to a billion humans on this planet.

Human nature is not civilization but is indeed survival of the fittest.

Darwin said that the world is based on survival of the fittest so that only the best of one species can create the next generation. All other animals have their instincts based on this theory so why don't we?

I strongly believe we do, we just havn't found out the true nature in ourselves. We havn't done so for about 4000 years. Look at life from the scientific point of view. You'll be surprised at what you see...

To conclude, i say that this will never be our future, we are too smart for that.

Ryan dijo...

There you go Won, you're getting to the point now...

I totally agree with you.

Everyone that has a talent (which most people do) should be able to study and work hard to achieve what they are good at. They should recieve help so that they exceed on their talents.

Those who have a hard time finding their strengths ,however, should recieve help in either finding their strengths or developing one so that they contribute equally to society.

This would be a good society to live in. I do believe however that all the internal feelings that some people feel like racism and love and hate, cannot be overcome.

A feeling like jealousy can be fixed. It is only possible if people learned to live together in peace and harmony.

This cannot be our future like described in the story because people will be unhappy and people will object to it when mentioned by the government.

In the story, however, the handicapped General is seen as superior. Whats with that? I thought EVERYONE was equal.

hani dijo...

Having a society where everyone is equal is impossible. Everyone is different and we cannnot make anyone look the same. In a society, we will always find people who try to be better than others just to fit in. In a society there is always competition. Competition for survival, competition for who has the best clothes, and even competition for sports. If we didn't there would be no reason to get out of bed in the morning if we knew that we were not going to improve anything or achieve anything.
In response to ryan: in a society, there is always a person who will have to lead them or guide them. This person eventually will feel superior than the rest of the people.

Anónimo dijo...

Wutttt??!!!! NOOO WAYY, really!
I mean come on, that future it's just 2 dumb. There is SO noway people R gonna be like that!

Right now people are Still fighting for their rights. For not being descriminated by someone just because that person is this, and that person is that.
Earth is WaY off on becoming like that, cause you can't stop someone from letting them be how they want. The only thing you would create by that is causing CHAOS.

Right now even parents try to make their children do as they want. Just let them BE. If they make an mistke in their life is their fault, they have to learn, remember they r growing up, they need to learn, that's what we live for. If parents just keep on doing that, the only thing their gonna make happen is their sons or daughters to Hate them.

If we were all equal, If THe world Was perfect, then what would be the point of living. Everything would just be too boring, everyone would be the same. No One would have a true Identity!

-♫ P@u/▲ F. ♫-

hadar dijo...

This is certainly not our future because our reactions as humans for certain actions will disable one's ability to create an equal society. First of all, we, as humans, seek all types of freedom and in times when we don't have freedom, we will rebel until achieving our goal. In addition, most powerful humans have been educated, and through education, they learned their rights and how to gain them. Finally, we all have the need of expressing our opinions and abilities. While an equal society disables us to show or express our abilities to the world because everyone is supposed to be in the same level.

hadar dijo...

In response to Hani:
I agree that it will not be our future, but it was proven that by using technology its possible to form a partially equal society.

Sergio dijo...

If we think about this hard, there is a possibility that this could be our future. I mean, not exactly in this way but it could end up similar. There are cases in which it has begun. The little boy in New Haven was banned from playing baseball because HIS talent was "too good". There are some decisions just like that one that can get us closer to this utopia. Many people think there will be peace in such a utopia, but will there really? And who would get to decide on who gets to do what in this so such future?

I normally would take the side of "No, this is not our future..." But I mean, we are partially there. I agree with everyone that said everyone has a special talent and we shouldn't and can't take that away. But if they put up a law against that, which side would you take? Would you abide the laws in live in such a restricted utopia which is supposidly "peaceful" or would cause a revolution making the situation worse than it already is? Some people are suggesting on setting laws like this, although a minority. It will grow in popularity.

Now the side I like =D. We are able to stop this popularity. Sure, it may be a dark period but it will be worth it for we will depart from the future of "Harrison Bergerson". Everyone is different and society can only move forward like that (Like Nathan said). That is how the present is formed. It is not the past, where racism, segregation, and cultural differences ruled and societies thrived in their way. We are different today.

So, our future could be seen as a two way street; yes, this is our future, and no, this is not our future.

But the real question is, "If this was to be our future, would you stop it? And how?"

N. Tre. dijo...

I've had a change of heart. This actually could happen. It would be extremely difficult, but it could happen. If there were some über disaster that a political junkie/leader could use to trick people into think that handicapping were a way of achieving equality, he would be or she would be all over that chance.

But it won't happen in the U.S. People here hate each other. People in the U.S. hate each other so much, that even the Democratic party has two sides to it.

When did that happen? Are we really that bad? I think that way back in the 1800's the only difference between Democrats and Republicans was on a political level. But the split has grown into a religious, ethical, and moral level.

Plus, the United States has people that hate Muslims, Jews, blacks, Latinos and any other possible race you could think of. It's not going to happen.

Won Park dijo...
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Won Park dijo...

I disagree with Ahra because everyone has a talent. It doesn't necessarily mean that just because you're not good at something, you don't have a talent. Probably there's something that they're good at, but they haven't found that area yet. So it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have a talent and should be helped. They can have a talent, but the way of raising money or working in a job is different.

Armando dijo...

The possibility of this being our future is low because some people don't seek equality. It would also be extremely difficult to submit everybody to these ways. If it was to happen, rebellions would be inevitable. The case of Harrison would be only of many others.

Amy G dijo...

i don't every think that our world would go to such extremes. For one thing, there will never be a party big or strong enough to surpress the whole population, and much less under such circumstances, like handicaps and masks! By human nature, we are very proud, and I doubt that the majority of people would succumb to that type of treatment.

Won Park dijo...

I totally agree with Hani. Why should we want to go to school and improve on many things? Everywhere you go, there is competition between people. If everyone was equal, everything would be ordinary. So how will sports will be played? How will games will be played? How will chess be played? If there's no competition, there's no point in playing any of the games.

Heejae dijo...

If this is our future it will be a disaster. Almost all the people will be sent to that place and they will be tourcher. If this happens there could be many arguments about this problem. It will be better to classify them and focus on their talent and nothing else. This will also be like human race because people will be killing smart people and making them crazy and in the planet will only be dumb people rulling the world.

hani dijo...

in response to hadar: i think that even with technology it is impossible to form an equal society. This is just a story whatsoever so if we think of this actually happening in our future it really won't happen. In the past we may have tried to be all equal but being equal would be everyone looking the same because in a "perfect" society noone would be prettier than anyone else or uglier.

Won Park dijo...

I agree with Hani that even with technology, it wouldn't work. It may work sometime in the future, but it wouldn't be possible with all the people living in the world. It's too much. The population in the world it's too big that everyone won't listen to that one person. Eventhough the concept is passed from person to person, there will be some people that won't do what it's said. So this may be another problem.

Won Park dijo...

Another reason that this can't be the future is that if everyone was to be sacrificed by leaving the poor, bad people alive and the rest that are better killed, the world would have to start again by improving the technology, etc. And this may take a lot of time as it has taken. Instead of killing the people that are better, it would be better to help the ones that are worse and there would be a better society.

David dijo...

this could never be our future because no matter how hard the human race tries to accomplish equality it can never be done. Furthermore, if equality means to live in a society like "Harrison Bergeron", i prefer not living at all.....

Won Park dijo...

I agree with Faaby with a part that she says that no one would actually want to accomplish equality everywhere in the world. We don't need to think only of ourselves, we need to think about the people that need help. For example, as Ms. Hogshead said that many of the students can't come to Colegio Maya for several reasons. We can because our parents help us pay the school fees. Probably, the people that are good at a thing, probably they won't like to have equality around the world. But the people that are needing help, they would probably want to have equality. For them, it might me really unfair. So, we need to think about the other's people point of view too.

Won Park dijo...

I agree with David that equality will never happen in the world. With the big population, will all the people cooperate? The answer is no. So it is impossible that equality will happen around the world.

Anónimo dijo...

I believe the future presented in the short story could likely be possible. The idea of a future that is controlled by equality makes sense, because all of us are so different. As much as we hate it, we would all like to be equal, because of the million differences we have, and if we are all the same, no one would complain.

Kevin dijo...

This is something that will never ever happen to the world. If the human race is handiccaped there is no advancement, no one can devlop anything new with their imagination or intellect. If this would ever happen there would be someone as usual to overthrow the reign. Competition between people is normal and can never be avioded so we need to stop avoiding it.

Sachi Ohara dijo...

The society in "Harrison Bergeron" could be the futer of human kind if there would be something much more powerful than the race itself. In order to control a race, the controler must have a great power, welth, and a certain amount of trust from the people. It is not impossible in this corrupted world because eventually there would be a time in people would create such world when the desprate moment arrives. Perhaps not as much as in the story of "Harrison Bergern", but something similar to it. The world created something that was wrong once before, and would be able to do it again.

Pichi dijo...

This will not be the future of humanity. It is not only a society that restricts growth but also takes away identity. It would not be possible to make a person give up their identity for any cause. A future like the one in "Harrison Bergaron" would create more conflict and it is very outragous.

Susset dijo...

What happened in "Harrison Bergeron" will not happen to us because the people in that society could not be superior to anyone else, so they had this chip inside their brain, I don't think we will ever achieve this. Even if we did it would not last because someone would figure out how to stop it sooner or later.