lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

A Threat to Society

Why is Harrison Bergeron such a threat to society? How old is he? How has he been "handicapped"?

18 comentarios:

faaBy dijo...

Eventhough Harrison Bergeron is only 14 years old, he is considered a big threat in this society because of the fact that he is stronger, smarter, and better-looking than most of the other people. To keep him from showing-off these gifts, he had to wear tremendous earphones, thick spectacles, a red rubber ball nose, and he had to shave his eyebrows.

Ryan dijo...

I, personally, think that this story is a little awkward because if he was so much of a threat to society, then why didn't they execute him in the first place instead of torturing him with the 300lbs and the spectacles and all? He was such a threat to society that eventually they had to kill him. most people would argue that he was a hero but they are not allowed to think.

one more thing. if they wanted everyone as equals, then why dont they keep a standard height for everyone like between 4.5 and 6ft. or something? it would make things a little easier wouldn't it? then there would be no threats to society because noone would have the strength thet harrison had.

To have a society that works, everyone has to be able to think and contribute to make it better.

In this "society" everyone is not allowed to think and are basically only keeping their brains to move and do their jobs. Because of this, their brain size is eventually going to decrease and the society will be submerged into the dark ages again, starting all of civilization again from scratch.

MaRy M. dijo...

They put Harrison as a threat to society even though he is a fourteen year old kid and I think that this part of the equality system is wrong becasue if a 4 year old gets treated the way a 24 year old does then they have lost their whole innocence right there.Going back to the point, Harison is seen as a threat to society because of his attitude, intelligence, strength and appearance. This would force him to wear more metal and gear than many other people making them keep and eye on him for a long time.

hadar dijo...

He was a threat to society because he was much wiser, stronger, and more handsome then the others. As a result,his abilities could overcome the abilities of all citizen in the equal society.
In this society that is a crime because everyone is supposed to equal.

Anónimo dijo...

This boy of only 14 years of age is a threat to society basically of how he is in all the ways, handsome, smart, etc.

I agree with Ryan, because if the the gov. knew that he was a threat to society why didn't they kill him right away.

But on the other hand, I also think that maybe they gave him a chance to live and change his attitude, so that he lived peacefully with the others. But he didn't. Instead he chose to fight for his rights, wich i thought it was pretty brave of him, and suffer the consequense of been handicaped by putting giantic earphones, shaving his eyebrows etc.

Armando dijo...

Harrison is a threat to society because he plans to overthrow the government and deconstruct equality by exploiting his talents. He is 14 years old. He has been handicapped by wearing glasses that make him half-blind and give him headaches, he has large headphones that send buzzers every certain amount of time, he has to wear a 300 pound weight, scraps of metal and has to have his eyebrows.

Amy G dijo...

in response to ryan, I think that the deletion of the death penalty was probably the first (or one of the first) thing they did. I mean, how can somebody recieve a final treatment that isn't given to all??

jesi hayes dijo...

Harrison Bergeron is only 14, but at that age he is already toomuch above average in everything. He is so superior that even with a rubber nose, shaved eyebrows, dizzy and blinding sunglasses, noise headphones and a lot of extra weight, he is still superior by being amazingly attractive, smart, strong and fast. These are the reasons he is a threat to this society because he is so good to the point that no amount of hangicaps are able to make him equal to the other people and since this difference is so easily seen it is too hard to hide from him all that he could be. That is what makes him rebel and a danger to society because he is a sign of what some people could even be partly able to do.

Hanggi Lee dijo...

Harrison bergeron was a threat to society because he was threatening the power of the handicaps. Although he was 14, he wanted to fight to stop the hadicaps, something that would make everyone equal. Harrison had to wear heavy hadicaps, black cap over teeth, earphones, spectacles, metal, and a red ball over his nose.

Sergio dijo...

I agree with most of what Ryan and Mary said. Harrison Bergeron is only a fourteen year old kid, and yet he is a threat to society. Why? Because he is extremely tall, carrying 300 lbs. on him, etc. He is way much more than handicapped. It's as if society has him on chains for everything he is. He is stronger and faster and smarter than most people in society and Harrison is not afraid to show it. He actually encourages people to break free. That is why he is a threat.

But the thing also is, if he was such a great threat, why wasn't he killed the 2nd or 3rd time he was caught? Clearly, the weights aren't working because the more they put, the more he holds it and becomes stronger, he becomes faster, and becomes stronger. So Harrison is a threat to society also because he is a creation of handicaps and an improved version of what they could be.

David dijo...

Harrison is only 14 years old. His intelligence was the reason why the society had him put away. Being smart was consider to be a threat to society and a threat to equality.

hani dijo...

Harrison Bergeron is considered a threat to society because he is what everyone else isn't. I think that it is not fair that he be punished just because he is different. If he refused to be the same as everybody else why couldn't they just send him to jail and not wear those ridiculous outfits and things that made him stronger and actually stand out more than he usually was? It is clear that Diana Moon Glampers was scared of him because of the same thing that happened with the ballerina.

Anónimo dijo...

Harrison is a threat to the society because he is a lot more intellectual and better looking than everyone else. Harrison is the evil in society that has to be brought down.

Kevin dijo...

Harrison Bergeron is a 14 year old boy and is considered a threat because he is the perfect specimen of the human being. He is tall, strong, graceful, agile, has good eyesight and is beautiful. I have to agree with Ryan about the fact that they wouldn't excecute him.

I believe that a truly prosperous time was in the time of Greek rule where in cities the babies with deformities or obvious mental capacities, without thought, were killed and tossed aside. It may seem brutal but this system didn't let anyone at all into the society without being able to do their best.

The newlyborns passing the test had a life of rigorous training as a man or life as a house wife as a lady. The men would go through rites so that they could become men and they were strong and skilled with weapons.

Now that humanity has softened and we feel sorry for people who are mentally challenged or deformed there is overpopulation, world hunger, global warming and the list goes on.

So if the society had just excecuted Harrison in the first place he wouldn't have been a threat and everyone would have gone on with their normal lives.

Sachi Ohara dijo...

Harrison Bergeron is a threat to society because he is more inteligent and fitter than others which creats a problem in the system of equality. Harrison was only forteen, and "handicapped" to be better in several things then others.

Pichi dijo...

Harrison Bergeron threats all the things the government of that place stand for. He is only 14 years old, but his intelligence and physical characteristics are endangering the way of life. For this reason he has been "handicapped" to be less problematic.

Susset dijo...

Harrison is a threat because he is smarter, cutter, stronger and he is only 14. They don't want to show superiority.

Unknown dijo...
