lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Harrison's Actions

What is Harrison trying to accomplish?

20 comentarios:

faaBy dijo...

Harrison wants everyone to be themselves. He wants to start a revolt and end this society in which people have to use mental handicap radios, which send out sharp noises to keep people from taking advantage of their intelligence.

Amy G dijo...

Although Harrison is over-exaggerating (in my opinion) by proclaiming himself the emperor,we don't have any experience concerning what he suffered through. Harrison is proclaiming that the society is depriving everybody of everything (which it is), and he feels he holds the responsibility of making the world right. Harrison wanted fairness.

Erin Hogshead dijo...

Did harrison want fairness or did he want power? Would he have crushed the weak? Or those who weren't like him? Is Harrison a hero or someone who would have been corrupted for him own needs?

Ryan dijo...

i would say that he was trying to get society back to where it should be in my opinion. i think that maybe he was trying to "liberate" everyone to then gain their support with the fact that he set them free. i do agree with amy though, i do think that he was over exaggerating and all of this getting everyone free was for the good of the population but also for his own power.

Unknown dijo...

Harrington wanted to open the eyes for all the people in that society. He wanted to show the world how fun and entertaining it would be to be different. With different abilities, that society can become a better place.

hadar dijo...

Harrison's goal is very simple which is to open the eyes of the "innocent" people and show them what they are capable of. Also, to show them they have the power to revolt against this society which has absolutely no justice.

MaRy M. dijo...

I agree with fabiola, Harrison just wanted things to go back to how they used to be, to let people be who they are and let them be able to think without receiving an electric shock through their brain, or not having to have lead balls hanging over their neck because of their strength or even having to wear ridiculous masks if you were pretty.

Anónimo dijo...

He wants to show people, that being themselves is better than being like a slave or zombie of the gov. He wants to show that being yourselfs is a funner way of living ur life.
In a way Harrison wanted to be fair to the peole cause he wanted them to be free, but on the other hand, he was being pretty selfish cause he wanted to be the emperor, so he was basically doing what Diana's ruling was, but in a way that the people could be more free from being brain washed by the gov.

faaBy dijo...

Like most people, he as trying to free this society but he also wanted power for himself.
His reovlt would benefit a lot of people and would bring this society back down to earth, but this would also give him power.

armando 2 dijo...

To say that Harrison wanted either fairness or power is a premature judgment. His character does not have an in depth description (of his entire philosophy and personality at least). Obviously he wanted freedom and to show that people have talents that can be exploited.
By crushing everything he considers unworthy of living and proclaiming his superiority over others he is satisfying his needs, he does things for himself and not for others, that does not make him corrupt.

Amy G dijo...

I still think that he wants both. He wants the world to go back to normal, and those are his principles, but along the way, maybe the idea of power was overwhelming.. the idea of being a world hero, too.

Hanggi Lee dijo...

Harrison wants everyone to be independant. He wants to start a boycott against teh hadicap radios. Even though he exaggerated about being emperor (in Amy's opinion)he did good, he took charge something no one else had done.

hani dijo...

I would have to agree with Hanggi and Amy. Reading that part the first time might make you think that he wants everyone in the society to be free. Reading it the second time made me realize that he did exaggerate a little bit about being emperor and all that. and maybe his intentions werent because he wanted fairness but because he wanted power.

David dijo...

Harrison is the change the society needs. By breaking in the TV studio and proclaiming himself an Emperor, he is breaking the equality set by the society and, in some way, telling the people to be their selves...

Anónimo dijo...

Harrison wants people to start using their own actions without restrictions. His actions tell the reader than there are different people around this world and that we can't help it. This compares directly to science as well, Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. The strong will live and the weak will die. Harrison suggests that there are people who are more intellectual or have better talents than others, and they should be able to use them freely without any restrictions.

Kevin dijo...

Harrison is trying to abolish this form of government dictatorship or facism by revolution. He won't stand for civil disobediance he flat out took off his handicaps on national TV and took a ballerina and showed the world their true form and beauty together side by side. He showed the world that not everyone needs to be equal that its okay to be different.

Won Park dijo...

Harrison is trying to accomplish one main thing. He's trying to make everyone themselves and make them have a normal life as they had before. He wants to take the handicaps away in order to have freedom. Just because there are people that are not so good, it doesn't mean that the people should be handicapped. They should find a better way in which both sides have a fair change. So he wants to take the handicaps away in order to have a life they had before.

Sachi Ohara dijo...

Harrison is tyring to accomplish a revolution that would change the current corrapted world that he lives in. He is trying to create a world that have monarchy and social differences. Since Harrison has the inteligence to figure how to take action, he gains this power that allows him to try to accomplish it.

Susset dijo...

He wants the world to be back to normal again.

Juan Pablo Gnata dijo...

Harrison certainly wants power for himself. He does not mention or imply that the weak will be taken into consideration in his empire. He wants a feudal order, which was definitely not equal. "I'll make you barons and dukes and earls." He feels he is superior, "Everybody must do what I say at once!"